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How to get sales HTML from Sedo

You will need to pull up your browsers dev tools to get your sales HTML from, here is how:

Steps to get sales HTML from Sedo

Login to your sedo account, go to Transfer Center page:

Move your cursor to the transfer table header Domain Name column:

Perform a right click to pop up your menu and choose Inspect:

After click the Inspect, you will see the transfer table HTML source code, find the <table element with class="contenttable":

Right click again to pull up the menu again, choose Edit as HTML:

After clicking the Edit as HTML, your HTML <table> element will be editable:

Select all editable HTML content, copy them and paste them to the html input field on the Add domain sales modal.

Homi Wong

Domainer. Builder. Founder of Sudos. Find me on Twitter @HomiWong